Monday, December 19, 2011


If (by some chance) someone new finds this...

Thirty for Thursday is something I came up with for friends that were interested in what I have been listening to. 30 minutes of music (more or less) that I put together every Thursday. It's one long track (kind of like a podcast, I guess) since the first playlist that I tried to share, seemed too complicated for some folks. 30 minutes is about 2/3 of my drive to work and when I think of where my friends live, it's just about right for them as well.

I don't know who downloads these or who listens, but I don't have a set plan every week. Some times a theme, others not. Most times I put similar sounding songs together which is a product of years of djing and trying to keep a "flow" going on the dance floor.

I have mostly kept the extremes of my musical taste off of here (no Slayer yet) just since, like I said, I don't know who is checking this out.

leave a comment if you find this and enjoy. =)


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